TPN grants for the period April 1st 2025 to October 31st 2025
Guide to filling the TPN 2025 forms
Abbreviations used

Figure 1
Level of funding
There are two types of grant, one for PL activities for teachers and one to support the functioning of the TGA. These are assigned by number of students taking exams or programme.
National Executive Annual Registration Form
Details of contacts for the year
A1) By registering with TPN you confirm you have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions of the Scheme. This form must be signed by the TPN Coordinator and posted, or scanned and emailed, to the TPN Administrator in Blackrock Education Centre.
A2) Inform BEC of any changes in your National Executive during the year.
A3) Deadline for registration is 30th November of every year.
Only registered TGAs will be invited to submit their proposals for events/activities for consideration before the following dates:
· 7th of November - For TGAs Events/Activities to held from 1st November to 31st March
· 20th of March - For TGAs Events/Activities to be held from 1st April to 31st October.
Proposals outside of these dates will not be considered
Certificate of Assurance
TGAs are required to certify annually to Blackrock Education Centre that funding granted was used in accordance with the purpose for which it was intended and in compliance with DPER circular 13/2014. TGAs are required to submit a Certificate of Assurance and be in a position to provide details for income received from the TPN Scheme and a list of expenditure which this TPN Scheme income was used for. You will be required to submit it with your November proposals.
Download Certificate of Assurance (v24)
Proposal Forms
Community of Practice/Local Branch PL Activity Proposal Form/Proposal National Executive Expenses
List of local planned activities, to be forwarded to the National Executive TPN Coordinator.
B1) DEADLINE: the TPN coordinator will agree a deadline to gather branches’ proposals. The deadline to be at least one month before submission to BEC.B2) Columns A-I can be copied and pasted into columns C-K of the Summary (see also C2).B3) Cost of venue may be queried and TPN funding may be withheld in certain circumstances; when using commercial venues (such as hotel rooms) the cost will have to be justified. The use of Education Centres as first option venues is encouraged; otherwise TPN will fund a maximum of €75 for each group of up to 30 participants, between 31 and 60 attendees €150 and €225 for over 60 attendees. In exceptional circumstances a business case can be made.B4) Those activities that involve the attendance of students or for members only should not be included.B5) TPN funded events must be open to all teachers and clearly advertised as such in TGAs’ websites and on social media, etc. Relevant Education Centres can be asked to advertise the event on their websites and newsletters also.B6) Forms should indicate how the activities complement national educational priorities and highlight collaboration with relevant support services. Avoid the use of general terminology.B7) The maximum amount that can be granted to the national conference will be determined according to the level of local activity organised by the association and will not exceed 50% of the Activity grant. Please include a draft programme of the conference and a breakdown of the estimated cost to include: venue (rooms, catering, equipment, etc.), lecturers, administration, participants, etc.
SUMMARY Proposal for Activities
To be completed by the National Executive TPN Coordinator based on local CPD activity proposals.
C1) Only registered and approved TGAs will be invited to submit proposals in a specifically designed form which will be emailed directly to the current TPN Coordinator.C2) Columns A-J from Community of Practice/Local Branch PL Activity Proposal Form can be copied and pasted into columns C-K of Summary – just enter Branch in column A of Summary. If your TGA does not have a branch C2 does not apply to you.C3) Priority will be given to applications received on time. Late applications will only be considered in the event of there being an availability of excess funding.C4) A realistic estimate of costs should be presented, based on grant levels, past events and maximum limits of funding.SUMMARY Proposal for National Executive ExpensesTo be completed by the National Executive TPN Coordinator
Among these expenses you can include items such as:
· Bank charges· Hosting and domain· Website design (once-off within limits re amounts and times, will need three quotes, etc)· Design of newsletter (but NOT PRINTING)· Stationary and postage· IT materials, such as ink/toner, USB keys, shredder· Insurance· Affiliation fees to other groups, whether national or international· Zoom licence· Room rental for executive meetings· Vouchers, flowers, alcohol and any type of presents, are not refundable by TPN.
D1) Use of ICT to facilitate communication and the distribution of materials is encouraged, e.g. e-newsletters. In the name of sustainability, TPN does not fund the postage to all schools; however, any other postage expenses regarding the normal running of the association are still permitted.D2) All resources produced with any support from TPN must be available to all teachers in electronic form. Printed versions of such resources can be made available to members. The printing cost of any resources cannot be claimed from TPN funding.D3) T&S of the NatEx is capped at 40% of the NatEx grant.
Local Activity Report - LAR
Claims must be made as soon as an activity is complete and sent to the TPN Coordinator for approval, who will forward it to BEC for payment.
E1) DEADLINE: a maximum of thirty days after the activity’s completion.E2) No claims, whether lecturers’ or activities’, will be considered without a copy of a signed attendance list; all invoices and receipts must also be included.E3) Use the same reference number as in the Summary proposal (Branch/Ref, i.e. Tipp A2).E4) Activities with fewer than ten teacher attendees will not receive TPN funding; this may be reconsidered in the case of smaller TGAs, where evidence of registered participants is provided or due to other operational issues.E5) The use of Education Centres as first option venues is encouraged; otherwise TPN will fund a maximum of €75 for each group of up to 30 participants, between 31 and 60 attendees €150 and €225 for over 60 attendees. In exceptional circumstances a business case can be made.E6) Where there is a CPD element for Friday evening conference events, the maximum payable is €3.66 for catering per participant; attendance rolls should be signed and dated for each day of attendance.E7) Support will be provided for the administration of the conference in the granting of a maximum of €200/€400/€800, depending on TGA level of funding, towards expenses such as programme design/printing, conference folders, lanyards, banners, mailshot, etc.; receipts must be provided for all administration costs incurred.E8) Lecturers’ claim forms must be included with the claim; they will be paid by the Education Centre in order to deduct the appropriate taxes; TPLS rates and regulations apply.E9) All claims, either from lecturers or participants, must include both school and home address; TPN funds can only be used to pay participants’ claims of post-primary teachers.E10) Evaluation forms for each event are required and can be included with your claim or kept by the TGA. You can use your own evaluation form or use our template (see Appendix 1).
National Executive Administration Expenditure Claim
Claims to be presented by the TPN Coordinator to BEC for payment.
F1) DEADLINE: a maximum of thirty days after the date of expense or meeting; copy of attendance roll, invoices, receipts and claim form(s) must be included.F2) T&S for members of Executive is capped to 40% of NatEx grant. For funding purposes, the Executive should be composed of at least 75% currently registered post-primary teachers. Rates can be agreed by the NatEx but must not be higher than current lecturers’ rates (see Appendix 2).F3) The use of Education Centres as first option venues for meetings is encouraged; otherwise TPN will fund a maximum of €75 for each group of up to 30 participants, between 31 and 60 attendees €150 and €225 for over 60 attendees. In exceptional circumstances a business case can be made.F4) A maximum of €500 allowance for various expenses not estimated in the proposal, subject to maximum allocation, can be claimed at the end of the year; must be receipted and conform to TPN Terms and Conditions.F5) TGAs are reminded that all claims are subject to DPER Circular 13/2014 (see Appendix 3).
Irish versions in progress