Consideration will be given to prior years’ activity in determining the amount available for conferences. The TPN Steering Committee is conscious that there is a lot of work going on at branch level that is not always acknowledged and strongly recommends that Local Activity Reports are compiled and sent to the nominated Education Centres, even if no cost was incurred. Education Centres will report back to the TPN Steering Committee, where evidence of these events will be evaluated in order to analyse value per money. With this in mind, there is no need to ‘inflate’ your proposals.
Let’s see an example:
If your association is a Level 3 one, the maximum amount it can receive is €12,000 for activities, out of which €6,000 can be allocated to the conference. The funding for the conference is intended to be no more than half of the total grant because the whole point of TPN funding was always to support local groups. This has not always been the case, with some teachers’ associations having just one conference but nothing else during the year; in order to readdress this, the TPN Steering Committee will be looking more closely to the level of local activity.
Look at this picture – it corresponds to your proposals:
Now look at this image – this is where the Education Centre will be entering information regarding your claims, right next to your proposals:
Your chosen venues are in the Local Activity Proposal forms, whether Education Centres, schools or other commercial venues. Now, it is very important that, even if there is no expense at all, you (your branches) still present Local Activity Reports, as that will be the only way to assess the current work of your TGA.
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